CPD & Courses
IRVAP endorsed CPD & courses, verifying robust processes
and the training provider’s commitment to delivering high-quality learning experiences for therapists.
IRVAP Member Courses
The selection of courses set out below are delivered by IRVAP Members and have been through a robust accreditation process.
Level 6 Diploma in Veterinary Physiotherapy
The Academy of Veterinary Physiotherapy was established to offer a flexible, accessible and achievable, vocational pathway to a degree equivalent qualification in veterinary physiotherapy.
The Academy delivers iPET Network qualifications that are listed on the Regulated Qualifications Framework (RQF) and on completion of the Level 6 Diploma in Veterinary Physiotherapy successful graduates will be eligible for RAMP registration.
The Academy offers a highly supportive, structured pathway through qualifications in Animal Sports Massage, Rehabilitation and Veterinary Physiotherapy, with a strong focus on study skills, personal development and wellbeing, supporting you throughout your training and into your future career.
Training is offered via a blended learning approach utilising an online learning platform, remote lectures and study groups, and face to face training which are all offered on a flexible timeline.
Level 6 Diploma in Applied Advanced Equine Hydrotherapy
VetHed was founded, to offer regulated courses and accredited CPD, with a focus on equine hydrotherapy. With demand from the industry to have recognised career paths, standardised training, and regulated qualifications, we expect to see more peace of mind for owners, trainers, referring vets, and insurers.
This is the only qualification that is recognised by the Institute of Registered Veterinary and Animal Physiotherapists (IRVAP) and the Institute of Equine Hydrotherapists (IEH), that on successful completion of the courses allows candidates to use the title Advanced Equine Hydrotherapist.
Equine Water Treadmill for Training and Rehabilitation
Using a water treadmill for training and rehabilitation provides numerous benefits for horses, including improved cardiovascular fitness, increased muscle tone, and reduced joint stress. It’s a valuable tool for horses recovering from injuries, aiding in the healing process.
This training is a solid starting point based on scientific research and industry experience to assist all equine water treadmill equipment users in achieving their therapeutic goals. This assists to avoid some of the injury occurrences witnessed due to the lack of training, knowledge and experience.
IRVAP members receive a 20% discount on fees. £85 discounted to £68. 2 CPD points are awarded. Enter irvap at checkout to receive your discount.
Level 6 Equine Physiotherapy Diploma Programme
The Level 6 Diploma in Equine Physiotherapy is accredited by the Institute of Registered Veterinary & Animal Physiotherapists (IRVAP).
Upon completion graduates will be able to apply for IRVAP membership and will be permitted to use the post nominals MIRVAP. High standards in professionalism and clinical proficiency are assured through IRVAP’s stringent accredited registration process.
This programme is also accredited by the Register of Animal Musculoskeletal Practitioners (RAMP) and the International Association of Animal Therapists (IAAT).
Preparing the Horse Saddle Rider Combination for Performance
This IRVAP accredited course will provide you with knowledge and practical skills in saddle & bridle fit checking, equine mobilisation, ground schooling, and rider stabilisation techniques.
Successful completion of this award entitles registration with IRVAP – Manual Therapist (MT) category.
Puppy Massage
Learn to massage your own puppy or dog in a safe, jargon free way. Create a calm, happy confident dog.
This course is aimed at puppies, but is great for dogs of any age.
You will learn how to create a relaxing environment for your dog and then move on to learn different massage techniques, including gum massage.
Physiotherapy and rehabilitation in the "not dog or horse"
Learn physiotherapy and rehabilitation planning for species such as cats and rabbits.
On this course, you will compare anatomy (including pedal anatomy) between species and learn how to make a rehabilitation plan to suit the needs of different species.
Advancing YOUR CANINE clinical SKILLS
K9HS Courses
Advance techniques and progress your skills. We offer you online courses and a K9 Therapy Hub CPD membership site for therapists.
Award in Canine First Aid + Health Checks
This CPD refresher course is ideal to review, update and advance canine first aid and health check skills. This aims to be proactive and keep dogs safe and we know preparing for action in challenging clinical situations or an emergency, ensures the best care for dogs and owners.
K9 Clinical Hydrotherapy CPD Overview
This new FREE CPD resource is open to all and offers you 30 hours of certificated study in canine clinical hydrotherapy.
This is not a license or qualification to practice, it’s CPD study only.
Award in Canine Hydrotherapy Water Management
This is a great refresher course for therapists to update their canine water management skills.
Consistently achieving high quality balanced and safe water is essential, alongside effective problem solving for ongoing quality assurance.
IRVAP Member Courses
The courses below are delivered by IRVAP Members and have been through a comprehensive and robust accreditation process.
Course Provider
At the Equine Massage Academy (EMA), we are one of the original providers of the highest quality equine manual therapy training and CPD education to professionals worldwide. With a team of experienced and knowledgeable instructors, cutting-edge techniques, and a passion for enhancing the health and well-being of all horses, we are proud to set benchmarks for excellence in the industry. Our mission is simple yet profound: to empower every learner to deliver unparalleled care to horses.
Angela Hall, the founder of EMA is a true professional and meticulously creates multi-media online course material that is engaging and inspirational. When she works with horses her ethos is clear, that every horse is an individual and must be treated that way. Before any therapeutic intervention, she prioritises building trust with every horse – a philosophy that sets her apart and resonates deeply with her clients. It’s this distinctive approach that Angela imparts to her students, ensuring they deliver nothing short of the best for the horses they work with, and, by extension, their clients.
With a wealth of experience spanning continents—from Europe to Singapore, Hong Kong, China, and the United Arab Emirates, Angela brings exceptional insights into the diverse equine industry. Her expertise ranges from pleasure horses to elite athletes, including Grand Prix competitors, Olympians, and Group 1 racehorses. Not only is Angela highly qualified in equine, but in business too, which adds another dimension to the training she provides at EMA. This multifaceted approach speaks volumes about the quality, organisation, and compassion infused into every aspect of its programmes.
Angela’s contributions extend beyond the classroom and therapy arena. As the author of the book “Is My Horse in Pain?”, she bridges the gap between professionals and horse owners, imparting invaluable knowledge to all. Her belief in a science-backed yet holistic approach to equine care was ahead of its time with her alternative therapy teachings that have now paved the way for a more mainstream approach.
Angela’s previous involvement with prestigious organisations like IRVAP Council and her recognition as a Fellow of the International Society of Animal Professionals emphasises her standing as a leader in the field.
When you choose to study with EMA, you’re not just embarking on an educational journey, you are gaining access to the peak of equine healthcare platforms. With Angela’s guidance and the expertise of our instructors, you’ll receive an unparalleled experience that will set the stage for a fulfilling career in equine wellness.
Career Courses:
- Advanced Practitioner in Equine Integrative Support Therapies (level 5)
- Practitioner in Equine Sports and Remedial Massage (level 4)
- Practitioner in Canine Massage and Rehabilitation (level 5)
- Practitioner in Equine Botanical Choices (Zoopharmacognosy) (level 5)
- Practitioner in Equine Botanical Choices (Zoopharmacognosy) Other species ( CPD level 5)
- Equine Health and Nutrition Management (Nutrition Advisor) (level 5)
- Equine Bit and Bridle Fitting Consultant (level 3)
- Equine Kinesiology Taping (level 3)
- Equine Manual Lymphatic Drainage (level 3)
- Equine Biosecurity Best Practice Protocols (level 3)
- Manual Therapies for Broodmares, Foals, Youngsters and Stallions (level 3)
- Equine Water Treadmill for Training and Rehabilitation (level 2)
- Applied Racehorse Support Therapies (level 5)
- Advanced Assessment and Prescription for Training and Rehabilitation (level 6)
Member Resources
These free resources are created by our members for the benefit of both professionals and the general public.
Anatomy & Biomechanics
Dr Richard Payne; IRVAP Hon Fellow
Course Lead MSc Veterinary Physiotherapy
Nottingham Veterinary School of Medicine & Science
Canine Pain Management Strategies
Avril Coleman; MIRVAP(VP)(ICH)
Animo Rehabilitation Centre, Kent
Puppies & Hydrotherapy
Maria Johnston; FIRVAP(VP)(ICH)
Active Balance, Leicestershire
Canine referral paperwork – getting the right patient information
Sarah Brick; MIRVAP(VP)(ICH)
Right Side Up! Or the righting reflex in cats
Jo Scott; IRVAP Affiliate
Cervical Abnormalities in Equine Patients
Gaby Kerfoot; FIRVAP(VP)
GKVP, Cheshire
Canine CCL Disease Case Study
Canine Hip Dysplasia
Hawskmoor Team, Hawksmoor Hydrotherapy, Leicestershire
Managing Equines with chronic sacroiliac dysfunction
Gemma Key; MIRVAP(VP) www.gemmakeyvetphysio.com
An Exotic Approach
Equine Hydrotherapy
Grainne Ni Chaba-Byrne; MIRVAP(VP)
Canine Movement Enrichment Techniques
Barbara Houlding, FIRVAP(VP)(ICH)
K9HS Courses; Suffolk
Common Injuries in Working Sheepdogs
Sarah Ward; MIRVAP(VP)(ICH)
K9HS Courses, Suffolk
Companion Therapy Lasers
Georgina MacPhail, Companion Animal Health
Hydrotherapy Water Management
Mitchell Loach, TEST Ltd
Cruciate Ligament Disease & the Role of the Balto Knee Brace
Cheryl Corral; MRCVS, MIRVAP(VP)(ICH)
Equine Massage Therapy Pad
Vicky Boakes, Equilibrium Products
Stance Analysis – Tool for Early Lameness Detection
Georgina MacPhail, Companion Animal Health
For Membership Enquiries - membership@irvap.org.uk
For Professional Development Matters - cpd@irvap.org.uk
For Canine Hydrotherapy Support - ich@irvap.org.uk
For Equine Hydrotherapy Support - ieh@irvap.org.uk
For Receipts and Transactions - treasurer@irvap.org.uk
For Mentoring and Support - mentoring@irvap.org.uk
For Student Support - student-support@irvap.org.uk
For The IRVAP Chair - irvapchair@irvap.org.uk