IRVAP Group Insurance Offer

Just £95 Per Term

IRVAP have secured a competitive premium for our Professional Liability group insurance scheme. The level of cover being provided through our Insurance Broker “Tower Gate” is set out below.

Services Covered

  • Hydrotherapy
  • Reiki
  • Physiotherapy
  • Physiotherapy – Electrical
  • Physiotherapy – Exercise
  • Physiotherapy – Heat
  • Physiotherapy – Inhalation
  • Physiotherapy – Light
  • Physiotherapy – Ultrasound
  • Animal Gentle Touch Therapy
  • Manipulative Therapy
  • Aromatherapy


Important Information

  • The limit is any one claim but it is limited to any one period of insurance for all pollution incidents.
  • We would like to remind you that there are standard insurance conditions which apply to do with criminal convictions, past disqualifications, CCJ’s, criminal offences and insurance declinatures etc. These statements are all included on your membership application, and by signing you are agreeing to disclose any relevant information.
  • If you are currently a member, but no longer wish to take out our group insurance scheme, then please be aware that you will need to make separate arrangements for cover, effective from renewal date and that your new policy should be arranged on a “claims made” basis of cover to ensure that your new policy covers past incidents (as these will no longer be covered under our group insurance scheme with Towergate).
  • Please also be aware that our group membership insurance cover ends on the 30th March 2024. The policy can be taken at any time within the year (Term of Membership) but please note that there is no discount offered for mid-term policy adoption.


Any questions, and for a copy of the full policy wording, please feel free to contact Susanne on:

Discover IRVAP Protect

Need more information?

Fair Presentation Notice

Advice for all members

Specific IEH Advice

Legal Expenses Policy Changes

The following updates have been made to your Legal Cover Insurance under Section B Legal Expenses Insurance. Please refer to your policy wording for further details:


  • The insurer has removed cover for Employment Disputes under sub-section 4 and Employment Compensation Awards under sub-section 5. Therefore, these covers are no longer available under your policy.
  • The insurer has removed cover for Contracts Disputes under sub-section 11. Therefore, this cover is no longer available under your policy.
  • The inclusion of Liquidation Condition in “Special or unusual conditions and terms” and at the end of “Important Information” after the Brexit Condition.
  • The insurer has clarified choice of representative where the insurer is liable to pay an award of compensation.
  • The contact information for the Markel Complaints Department has been updated.
  • The Brexit condition has been updated, to remove reference to the United Kingdom or Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
  • Exclusion 2 under “Tax Protection” will now only apply for tax returns over 90 days late.
  • Exclusion 1 under “Property Disputes” will now not apply to title documents.
  • The insurer has increased all excesses to £1,500
  • The insurer has reduced the limit for Fitness to practice from £250,000 to £20,000.
  • The insurer has removed £250,000 limit for Pre-hearing representation and replaced it with Interim Order hearings £2,500 and Pre-hearing response £5,000.
  • The “Coroner’s Inquest Representation” cover has been extended to include “where failure to take part in the inquest could result a Fitness to Practise investigation against you by the
    Regulator or a criminal prosecution”.
  • Section 1: “Fitness to Practise Defence” has been updated to include response to formal allegations made by your regulator against you concerning your Fitness to Practise.


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For Canine Hydrotherapy Support -
For Equine Hydrotherapy Support -
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For Student Support -
For The IRVAP Chair -